Format info
Music records list
Exotic music formats for Amiga
Many games in Amiga have been released in various exotic music formats, which are playable with DeliPlayer, but many of them are playable only on original Amiga. Most popular in 1985-1992.
Common Platforms: Amiga
Common file types: Amiga Exotic
Game Music Base Icon: 
Where to download tunes
ExoticA - All "exotic" game music in exotic formats
Some more thoughts
First great tunes have been brought to Amiga by famous C64 composers. Either David Whittaker, which has done great work in Xenon 2 The Megablast, Back to the Future, later Shadows of the Beast, Golden Axe and much more. Or Charles Callet, who supported Rob Hubbard's routine mostly in Infogrames' games, absolute class was North & South soundtrack or Shufflepuck Café . Also his another works, Bobo or Gobliiins games, have to be mentioned. Chris Huelsbeck has made his absolutely best works on Amiga and in my honest opinion he's the best Amiga musician (and sure one of my best all-time musicians). His No.1 from No.1 is the Turrican 2 music - 20 tunes full of ideas, melody, athmosphere, simply everything the good soundtrack should have. Also Turrican 1 was great, Turrican 3 was little disappointment for me, but only because I had very high expectation. Turrican was not the only thing this god has made. I must mention awesome music in "bee shoot'em up" Apidya, or Grand Monster Slam, or Jim Power, or Master Blazer, or R-Type. What title, that one of the best game music I've ever heard. And Chris has another first place. He was the first european musician, who made CD soundtracks from his work, so we can listen to awesome Turrican or Apidya soundtracks in true CD quality. Some of his another Amiga tunes have been released on his CDs Shades, Rainbows, To be on Top or Sound Factory, unfortunately they've been mixed with not-very-good-quality dance music. Another gods from Germany are Rudolf Stember and Jochen Hippel. First one made some nice stuff to few Rainbow Arts' logical games, but his best work was sure Z-Out. Jochen Hippel did great job on Thalion's famous games Rings of Medusa, Return to Medusa, Ghost Battle (typical example how can music "repair" rather bad game), Enchanted Land, Wings of Death or Lethal Xcess. Again - what game, that awesome music. So, I really can't mention all games with great exotic formats tunes on this compy. Lemmings is for example one of them, Midnight Resistance another and we could continue until all readers of this article fell asleep :). Better let's write something about Amiga's exotic format.
Almost every musician has its own format where he stores the data in. That makes things a bit more complicated, because there are around 150 different formats to play. Today isn't problem to download all the music in these formats, the problem is often to play it under PC. They have been mostly playable only under original Amiga's player DeliTracker, but fortunately, this year has been released clone of this player for PC, named DeliPlayer. Through this player you should play all these great tunes on your PC! But (there have to be some buts :) ), you must note that not all formats have information about playing time inside and some tunes play totally crappy or don't play either. So you'll need to play with this prog and setup little bit, if you want to listen to big playlist during work.
Players and other useful links
DeliPlayer - This player plays most of the exotic music formats on PC, is also very good for MODs and MP3s too!
Amiga Music Preservation - Info about all Amiga music and musicians