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Review – Spark Man stage music

(Review for Mega Man 3: Arranged/Remixed tunes by voltcatfish)

Hi. It’s voltcatfish again. I am writing a review for the Sparkman stage music this time around.

Here’s the review, file by file:

1. Sparkman27kb: Fantastic! Correct tempo, right notes, no distortions, a lot of fun!
This is one of the best ones in here!! I can’t say enough good things about it.
voltcatfish’s rating: A+

2. Sparkman_Advanced: Another clear winner. It is slightly different, yet it is still awesome. The use of the xylophone as the countermelody instrument was a nice touch! I like it…I like it a lot. It is truly advanced and worth the download!
voltcatfish's rating: A+

3. Sparkman – Good midi, but the crystal shimmer in the background in the beginning of each go-round sounds distorted and it’s too loud, and the “Dooh” is missing, but other than that, it’s very cool. The drums are just like in the game, and the notes are correct and the tempo is, too. This one’s a keeper.
voltcatfish's rating: B+

4. Sparkman6969 – I like the tempo, but the lead instrument (I think it’s a shanai), has got to be changed! Except for the lead instrument’s melody, the midi is solid and sounds great!
voltcatfish's rating: B+

5. sparkman-1 – Yeah, baby!! This is another of the crème de la crème in this folder. This midi includes the “Dooh!” sound that so many forget to include. Solid midi! I love it!!
voltcatfish's rating: A+

6. sparkman(2) – This midi is OK, but not great. It’s low-key and subdued, just enough to get the job done. Decent but not dynamic like I’m used to.
voltcatfish's rating: B

7. sparkmm3 – it sounds good at first, but then all the instruments sound like one flat piece. There are no drums, no “Dooh”, and many other annoying discrepancies taint the potential of this midi. The job done on this midi needs more work.
voltcatfish's rating: D

8. xgmm3sm – This one’s decent. It is very dark and ominous-sounding, different but cool. The title doesn’t tell you that it’s Spark Man’s theme at all, though, but this midi’s cool nonetheless, except for the annoying cut-off ending – that I hate, but all in all, a keeper!
voltcatfish's rating: B+

9. mm3spar2 – I like this midi. It is obvious that the drums are the showcased instrument here, and it’s a bit subdued in the feel of the song, but it is cool, and the “Dooh!” is included, the tempo is correct, and the notes are accurate and clean. I call it a winner.
voltcatfish's rating: A

10. MM3SPARK – Decent midi, if oversimplified. It is a piano-based lead melody, and the drums are just enough to keep the song going, but some beats are missing in key spots (I play the drums, so I notice these things). All in all, this midi is OK, but it's not my favorite.
voltcatfish's rating: B

11.sprkmn(c-mix) – This midi’s got potential, but it has many inaccuracies that make it annoying to listen to. First, the melody in the beginning part has incorrect notes, and it sounds choppy and unorganized in some spots. The cut-off at the end is abrupt and annoying as well - you don't even get all of the last note! All in all, as midis go, it’s got potential, but it needs a lot of work.
voltcatfish's rating: C

I hope that helps. All of these reviews are my own opinion of the tracks, and you may differ in your opinion, but I am just giving an honest review, so enjoy! - voltcatfish

voltcatfish's overall rating: B
