Wing Commander 3: Game rip
Game info
Name: Wing Commander 3
Alternate name: Wing Commander 3: Heart Of The Tiger; Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (Europe, Japan)
Characteristics: Action, Simulation, 1st-Person Perspective, 3-d, Sci-Fi / Futuristic, War Game, Flight / Airplanes, like Wing Commander
Publishers: Electronic Arts, Origin, EA, EA Victor
Developer: Origin
Original/port composers: Nenad Vugrinec (Dos), George Oldziey (Dos)
PlayStation - United States
3DO - United States
PC Dos (1994) - Europe
PlayStation (Mar 1996) - Europe
PlayStation (13 Sep 1996) - Japan
Atari Jaguar (Unfinished) - United States
Music info
Released: 1994
Related Plaform: PC Dos
Format: Sequenced music (MID) 
Composers of these tunes: Nenad Vugrinec, George Oldziey
Source / Archiver / Ripper: Mirsoft
Music type: Game rip 
Archived process: Archived completely
Num of tunes: 21
Size of archive: 133 KBytes
User reviews
- "Great music, bad archive" (by honkstar82, 17 Sep 2012) [5/10]
Wing Commander III continues WCII's tradition of excellent interstellar orchestra music with a solid military feel. This is a great collection of tunes in MIDI format, but unfortunately this archive is heavily flawed. Many songs, from the haunting "Behemoth" track that plays when you fly past the massive planet-killing starship to the more mundane 'feel-good' light jazz of several of the five bar tunes that play if you step into the TCS Victory's living area, are absent. The music for flying in a heavily damaged ship is also missing, along with the music for dogfighting and defeating the Klirathi crown prince.
There is a lot of excellent music here. The game's orchestral introduction as well as both ending tunes are here, one for the Earth ending and one for Kilrah, along with shorts like 'Ejecting!' or 'Exploding!'. The whole of the archive sounds great, the audio part of this game's multi-million dollar budget was well spent, and it really makes you feel like you are fighting at the turning point of an interstellar war. However there are some problems even with the songs that are present. The names of most of the songs are only found in the MIDI data, not in the filename. Most songs have 'wc3-5' or 'wc3-a' as their titles. I cannot in good conscience give a high rating to this archive due to its flaws and absent tracks, but I do highly recommend its music to any interested listener. If you've never heard Wing Commander III's soundtrack before, this is a wonderful taste. If you are looking for a complete archive of the old game you love, this ain't it.
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Other tools
Generate info.txt - with this cool feature you can generate the info.txt file with all tune information and save it somewhere, which means you'll have something like "tune ID card"! :) This has cool advantages - it's small, fastly readable/editable, you can add it to the tune archive if you want and you will have everytime fast information about the game and music archive. Also programs which support reading from txt files (such as KBMedia Player) can read the info.txt file directly while playing tunes of all formats!
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