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Showing reviews 1381-1400 from 3001:

Final Fantasy 6: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Final Fantasy 6" (by gene, 9 Dec 2005) [10/10]

R-Type: Game rip
"Huelsbeck Tune, dude. ¡¡YEeeES!!" (by sds, 9 Dec 2005) [9/10]
This one IS the R-TYPE tune, great G/old times.

Unreal (Epic Megagames): Game rip
"Unreal TECH DEMO music!!" (by dracore, 8 Dec 2005) [10/10]
I can't believe it!! I finally found the tunes for the tech demo after over 5 YEARS of searching!!! I had the leaked copy of the tech demo back when I was still using a 486 PC and the music was AMAZING! (and the game engine was lightyears ahead of it's time!) About 5 years ago I lost the music modules and only had a CD-DA copy to remember by. Have been searching since... even now. I knew it had to be Alexander Brandon's music.. the style matched all his other Unreal tunes. Just on a whim, I find this site and lo-and-behold, the tech demo songs are in this archive!

MUST DOWNLOAD! 10 thumbs up!

Jazz Jackrabbit: Game rip
"Thanks!" (by trulsern, 8 Dec 2005) [10/10]
Been searching all over for the amazing Medivo track. Finally I've got it thanks to you guys. Keep up the good work.

Secret Of Monkey Island, The: Game rip
"pc123?" (by jimehamiga, 6 Dec 2005) [10/10]
No way! ive got this game on amiga and on PC and the pc version is MIDI, amiga was the original classic MOD and the way it was ment to sound.

Sanxion: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Cut the midrange, drop the bass!?" (by RhythmBox, 4 Dec 2005) [9/10]
Well, Boz's "Sanxion '96! (Breakbeat Mix)" [Sanxion - Loading Theme.xm] is the real surprise for me here. From the opening early ninetees piano, I expected to hate this, but once the drums kick in and you realise it's not all cheesey wotsits after all, you can't help but grin and nod your head in nostalgic bliss all the way through. All the main humable elements of the original tune seem intact, but shifted to a minor key.

Definetely not your usual 30sec cracktro ready, minimalist chiptune tone-fest [sanxion6.mod] nor the all too common half baked, lofi, off key [sanxion7.mod], tracker effort either! Rather, an accomplished and slightly cheeky interpretation of a timeless classic :)

Also worth mentioning is 'sanxionw.xm' - more straight forward, but with plenty of crunchy goodness (think Sanxion meets Hybris ...)

Dune: Game rip
"nothing special" (by fintroll, 2 Dec 2005) [2/10]
I'm very disappointed. nothing special, even boring. I remember opening theme from Dune 2 - that was brilliant.

Deliverance: Game rip
"disappointing" (by fintroll, 2 Dec 2005) [1/10]
nothing special.... don't recommend it.

Speedball 2: Game rip
"great !" (by fintroll, 2 Dec 2005) [9/10]
one of the few games I spend a few weeks of my life.... yes, that music is excellent.
Iceeee Creeeeam......!

Mega-Lo-Mania: Game rip
"fantastic" (by fintroll, 2 Dec 2005) [9/10]
fantastic game, great music i sfx. only two themes, but it's enough o feel like... a beholder of the game of the gods.

Shadow of the Beast 3: Game rip
"dissapointed" (by fintroll, 2 Dec 2005) [4/10]
I'm very dissapointed... only "SOTBeast3Fort" is very good. the rest boring.

Cannon Fodder: Game rip
"great song" (by fintroll, 2 Dec 2005) [7/10]
superb, very good song and average game :)

Arcade Pool: Game rip
"fantastic piano" (by fintroll, 2 Dec 2005) [9/10]
great main theme, perfectly matched to the game. when I hear that music.. there's no way... I MUST TO PLAY !!!

Unreal (Epic Megagames): Game rip
"best of the best" (by fintroll, 2 Dec 2005) [10/10]
absolute excellent music !

Wild Arms Second Ignition: Original soundtrack
"One hundred and two" (by Darth Nefelim, 1 Dec 2005) [6/10]
This soundtrack is surprising with number of tracks - 105 and only at 2 CDs. Most of'em are less then a minute as the result, so I was left unsatisfied. Sometimes the track was beginning charmly, but then faded out in most pretty moment. Do the listener need quantity or quality? Nevertheless, I was told this soundtrack is weaker then it's predecessor - I'm disagreed. Actually, I don't remember the first part of "Wild ARMs" and I can say this part is also good for listening. Calm, romancing and emphatic soundtrack.

Ys MIDI Collection: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"Dark Fact!" (by Mouse, 30 Nov 2005) [10/10]
I'm suprised this soundtrack has been overlooked! This is by far one of the greatest soundtracks u've heard; Ryo Yonemistu--the arranger of the games music did a fantastic job composing the original soundtrack. This archive is remixed and consists of the music from Ys Book I & II: Ancient Ys Vanished, and music from Ys III: Wanderers from Ys.

Crusader: No Remorse: Game rip
"Thank you" (by alexr114, 30 Nov 2005) [10/10]
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! Ive been looking for the music since the game came out

Unreal Tournament: Game rip
"How it SHOULD be done..." (by Rys, 29 Nov 2005) [10/10]
This is one of the definative game-music tracks all other makers should note. The only thing more atmospheric is Deus Ex's tunes - although you'd be hard pressed to listen to most of them outside of the game.

UT has the perfect blend of rock, techno and sundry to make it listenable anytime!

Straight up 10/10.

Alien Carnage: Game rip
"Try OpenMPT" (by Bared, 29 Nov 2005) [2/10]
Try OpenMPT (if u'ld like)
I use it 2 play .IT, .S3M, MOD etc - IT files play nicely
But u can also edit them...

Note about this music set: Not all music is there, also the music to the alien episode of the first level is incomplete (Correct me if im wrong).
I was also able to run this game on my current system with DosBox.

Sorry, im just one of those people that writes alot of useless information and writes extremly long posts. Im also one of those people that expects the best, and gives poor ratings.

Deus Ex 2: Original soundtrack
"Invisible sountrack" (by Darth Nefelim, 28 Nov 2005) [4/10]
The soundtrack for the first part of "Deus Ex" game series was hard to forget. As for me, it was weaker then soundtrack for "Unreal", but nevertheless it sounded impressive enough for the mod music. The game grew up, Alexander Brandon did it too, but something has gone. The title and Credits are sounding attractive, charming, interesting, but between'em are emptyness of ambiental compositions. What is nice for a game is not also nice apart of it. Too much invisibility for a soundtrack.

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