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Showing reviews 1401-1420 from 3001:

Colony Wars 2: Vengeance: Game rip
"Music from my past" (by Darth Nefelim, 28 Nov 2005) [5/10]
I feel nothing to this music, but I remember those times, when I've heard it first. It's a bit strange soundtrack - I'm not agree with using sound track from movies in soundtrack. Other compositions sounds very variously: from weak ambience to unforgetable parts. In overall this soundtrack is interesting to test. Try it, but don't expect too much - it's just good. Nothing more. Only the past.

Wild Arms Vocal Collection
"A pleasant music without replayability" (by Darth Nefelim, 28 Nov 2005) [6/10]
Most of japanese songs are sounding very pleasant for me. I guess it's because of this songs are very simular to russian national motets in some way. Nice music, nice lyrics and nice vocals - that's what you'll find in this album. And what's a pity here is only one singing woman! I see nothing bad in one artist per album - that's an ordinal practice. But 14 tracks in one style with one artist are really boring to here. You'll listen this album with a great pleasure, but there're little chances you'll want to listen it again

Lettrix: Game rip
"Wonderful ...!" (by Sandro, 28 Nov 2005) [10/10]
Wonderful nice music !
I like this melody ^^ !

Princess Maker 3: Game rip
"game of the year." (by gennis, 26 Nov 2005) [9/10]
best game ever. i say this because i love game were u can contral the out come of the game and its has it. and if you dont like the game well your gay.

Jaguar XJ220: Game rip
"best racing game soundtrack" (by deepblue, 24 Nov 2005) [8/10]
i think jaguar had the best racing game soundtrack on the amiga.. yes, including the lotus series. i think it's a must have. moody breeze could well be used in chillout compilations even today.

Walker: Game rip
"dma design" (by deepblue, 24 Nov 2005) [7/10]
dma design were the creators of the legendary lemmings and this was another game from the same group. it was a very nice shootemup with nice music. worth a try

Alien 3: Game rip
"interesting soundtrack" (by deepblue, 24 Nov 2005) [7/10]
all tracks sound like they were from a different composer.. they have totally different feels about it. my fav.s are level1 and level5

Utopia: Game rip
"very good soundtrack" (by deepblue, 24 Nov 2005) [8/10]
the soundtrack reflects the personality of the game very nicely. the game has a sci-fi, slick soundtrack. and i loved "tune1"..

Blastar: Game rip
"solid soundtrack" (by deepblue, 24 Nov 2005) [7/10]
i think this was an underrated game. so its music was possibly ignored. but i think it had a good solid techno-ambient soundtrack.

Lotus Turbo Challenge 2: Game rip
"a definite download" (by deepblue, 24 Nov 2005) [9/10]
i wont say anything else. just download it

Flashback: Game rip
"french house" (by deepblue, 24 Nov 2005) [8/10]
delphine was a very good example of the french school of game producing and game-music making. this is a 1st class soundtrack and every mod fan should download it.

Desert Strike: Game rip
"EA trax?" (by deepblue, 24 Nov 2005) [8/10]
EA wasnt what it used to be in the old days.. the British knew how to make amiga games, not the American.. but desert strike was an excellent game, and its music was no exception. i love the intro music.

Overdrive: Game rip
"al brimble effect" (by deepblue, 24 Nov 2005) [7/10]
al. brimble was one of the best game music composers of amiga times, or even all times. overdrive was one of his less exciting work. in 10sec. you could understand that it came from the same person that created superfrog or project-x sountracks. but still, it was good...

Extreme Assault: Original soundtrack
"Doubful assault" (by Darth Nefelim, 24 Nov 2005) [6/10]
It is usually interesting to enjoy Chris Huelsbeck's works. That is one of'em, but I have too doubful impression over it. Sayin' technically, soundtrack for "Extreme Assault" is very well made, nice arranged and has some tasty themes (like Finale, f.e.). But in whole it sounds a bit boring and common. A precise case of mostly-for-the-game music.

Soldat: Game rip
"Kill everything that moves" (by Warcow, 22 Nov 2005) [6/10]
Since I'm a big fan of metal, this ost was pretty easy to listen to 'cause it has some cool riffs and rythms. It reminds me of the Q2 ost, however, these tunes tend to get a little repedative and doesn't have the same quality but it's fun for a while.

Unreal Tournament: Game rip
"So Underrated" (by EvilP, 21 Nov 2005) [10/10]
UT was the first game I got for PC, I ran over and got it the day the PC was delivered to my house.
The music and ambience was just far beyond anything I'd ever seen before, which was why I bought it with such haste. I was really saddened by the UT2003 music which was a step or five below the awesome UT sound and thus I could never be bothered to get UT2k4 which I've never heard anything about soundwise. (even the demo had forgettable music if I recall correctly.

Legend. 10/10 because there are SO MANY good songs that make me want to jump around and shoot shoot people.

Wolfchild: Game rip
"AUUUUUUU..." (by sds, 20 Nov 2005) [8/10]
Another collection to keep in the premium-list-of-great-mod-tunes.

Hybris: Arranged/Remixed tunes
"MAN, SO D4#M (00L" (by sds, 20 Nov 2005) [9/10]
As i remember this game has only 1 tune (maybe wrong). JUST THIS ONE, but this remix is too much for my soul...

need... moree...

Harlequinn: Game rip
"N-I-C-E" (by sds, 20 Nov 2005) [8/10]
Great music for those who played Harlequinn (ah... nostalgic feeling) and who didn't. I like specialy the last one "harlet.mod".

Doom 2: Game rip
"Call me crazy, but..." (by Pathogen, 15 Nov 2005) [6/10]
Frankly, I didn't enjoy Doom II's music as much as I did its' prequel. Bobby Prince's strange yet palpable music for Doom was worth listening to outside of the game, but Doom II?

In most of the midis, you get about ten bars or so that get repeated endlessly throughout the track, with a few variations in pitch/sound in an attempt to add variety. Some of the tunes are catchy, but there's so little repetition it quickly becomes irritating listening to the same stuff over and over again. It's like "The Song that Never Ends" that kids used to sing at my primary school.

Another problem is that most of the midis are quiet and underspoken, which might be appropriate in a horror-based survival game just doesn't cut it with Doom II's demon-blasting gut-wrenching non-stop action. There are some decent midis in the game, but this definitely isn't music that belongs in a game like Doom II.

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